Wednesday, January 04, 2006


The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes.

Henry Kissinger (1923 - )

Hapy New Year and may you have a good 2006~

Well, for a so called new year's post i am a few days overdue, but hey, doesnt matter innit?

Every time it reaches that time of the year, resolutions are made, promises promised, secrets shared, laughter heard, celebration time. People make a big deal about new years, well maybe it is for some people and i dont have anything against that, it could have been a good year for you, you did well in your exams, finally found yourself a girlfriend, made that bonus or promotion, your baby was born, Great~!! celebrate....

but i personally find the idea of making up new year resolutions abit dumb, wait, dumb may be too harsh a word, let me try useless. yeah, better.

think about it, resolutions made are seldom met.

"i wanna be a better person.... wanna give more money to charity.... wanna find a girl... wanna get marrried.... wanna lose weight, etc etc" : on one level i admire and respect the idea of us giving oursleves goals to achieve like that, i think we all should have goals, but why make a big deal about something we say a night before the new year and forget when its already a week into the new year? pointless innit?

the reason why i put the quote up is because it made me think when i read it.

did it make u think as well?

we get so caught up in trying to make things around us change to meet our needs and demands. we hear people go, "why dont you do this to make the world a better place, why dont you do that so that he does better in school, why dont i dress like this to be cool, to be accepted, i must be this particular kind of person to get attention, etc etc" . it is in my very humble honest opinion that individuals like these are detached from reality, they try *as the quote suggests* mold reality to suit them, by molding it as in changing their very own "realness" by dressing up a certain way, by doing something for that supposed reality to suit themselves. However, it is the person who mold themselves to adapt and survive in the given reality that are people who are attached to it, who are real, who are connected to the essence of what being indivduals are, being REAL by being themselves.

do u get what i mean?

i hope you do...

think about it...

i mean, the greatest achievements of man have been in situations where we have to adapt to our reality, Thomas Edison and the lightbulb, Newton and his apple (gravity), Alex Bell and his telephone and many more. All these, adaptation to the reality that was faced by them. Thats what i am talking about.

it may seem that i m straying off topic...

i assure u i am not..

new year resolutions are pointless because we are creating instances in which we think we are molding ourselves to fit the reality we have seen *over the past year* , i mean, the reason why we come up with resolutions are to basically improve ourselves where we have fallen short. My point is, must we wait till the end of the year to come up with resolutions when the reality of it all is that everyday should be an adaptation to reality and not once a year? i mean, we can aim for something immediately after thinking about it without having to wait....

why wait?

u tell me...

If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.

Maria Edgeworth, O Magazine, April 2004

This quote explains what i mean perfectly, we should take care of the moments, the moments in which we realise we need to adapt, to act, to make ourselves better, and only then will it be in the long run worth it. Eventually, we will meet our demands, at a reasonable and comfortable pace and level.

What were my new year resolutions?


I will let you know when it comes
