Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm mature or immature?

picture by Sebastian Homer : "Maturity"

"A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably
Eleanor Roosevelt

Objectivity and Maturity often come into play when we are faced with emotinally driven situations in our lives. The thing is, i must admit that its sometimes hard to be objective when u feel hurt/crossed/ whatever but like the above quote mentions, we must recognise that its part of human nature for everyone to have a dark side or something about them that annoys you. In my opinion, it is the acceptance of this dark side that makes us mature, in a way to understand that everyone views things differently and takes things differently.

I have been guilty of not being objetcive and being immature when handling certain things thrown my way, i am sure we all have but the thing is that i have come to realise is that being immature about things do not get you anywhere.

The question to ask now then is how the hell do we become mature?

Hell if i know....

They say age doesnt reflect maturity, but i must say that to an extent it does, i am 20 now, and i can safely say that i am different than the 18 yr old version of me. I guess its easier to say that because when your younger your not as mature as someone who is older, but i think maturity is determined or obtained based on the level of experiences we face. I mean , maturity is part of an individual's learning curve, and in life we generally learn things through the mistakes we make, people we meet, and also experiences faced, from all of these things is where maturity stems from. Disagree with me if you think i am wrong.

But there is a flipside to this argument, sometimes it is those very same experiences that i mentioned above that will dampen the growth of our maturity rather than make us mature. This boils down to the individual itself i think, some poeple just dont learn and remain ignorant to the fact that they should appreciate the consequences of their actions and the experiences faced by them.

At the end of the day, i guess you cant really say or determine what it is exactly that would render us mature individuals, it is something that we will just have to ask ourselves constantly....

are we really all that mature?

What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death.
Dave Barry (1947 - )

Friday, March 10, 2006

Faith, or is it?

Living with the faithful who are faithless,

The Hypocrisy of Man on Earth oblivious,

Through the land, sea, Sun and the Moon,

They sit there wrapped in a Cacoon,

In this Universe with its origin Unknown,

They wait for it to be shown,

Take me to those places,

I want to see their faces.....

Snow Falls,


Air Rises,




Are we living in a world worth living?

Or a world where to live, would be worth dying?

Should we strive to live, or leave?

What must happen for us to Believe?

Must we trust what our eyes perceive?

Or just sit here willingly deceived?

Looking Back: Part 2

A weak man has doubts before a decision, a strong man has them afterwards.
Karl Kraus (1874 - 1936)

Would you, if given the chance, change/alter every or some decisions that you have made in the past?

Think about it....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Looking Back : Part 1

Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.
Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963), "Texts and Pretexts", 1932

its been almost 8 months since i have left home to come abroad to study. Then, before i came i decided that one of the ways in which i would find myself would be by leaving home and coming here to experience new things and meet new people and decide for myself as to what kind of person i wanna be. Those of you who read this and who already know who i am would most likely know that i associated the events leading up to my arrival here in CF as the catalyst of change for my being who i am today.

i still believe that....

the question know is what have i learned in this eight months or so, as i move into revision and prepare for my exams i think its best for me to look and see whether in this time i have become who i wanted to be when i first came here or have i strayed from that goal.

to be honest i didnt know exactly what i wanted to be like, all i knew was that i hoped to be the best i could be at this stage, learn as much as i can, and just live life to the full.

so far, i have tried a new sport and found that i think i am rather good at it. in playing this sport and being a part of this team i felt that i have achieved something that i have rather longed for my whole life, to be a part of a proper team and be appreciated. the level of commitment and dedication, and friendship that i have experienced here would be invaluable to me in the future. I have learnt to come out of my shell at appropriate times and learnt to be confident with who i am. Confidence and belief in yourself is something that is imperative in every individual to be successful in every aspect of ones life, be it education, social, business, everything. and this is one of the more important experiences i have experienced so far and will continue to cherish it. Going back to my point of self confidence and belief, this is important for the mental health of an individual as well. I have heard and seen people who live in self doubt and are depressed at dangerous levels that often lead them into doing things that are bad for themselves and the people around them. thats one thing i know for sure i have understood.

Secondly, i have come to understand that no matter how hard it is, never fall victim to first impressions. I know its the first impression that counts, but also consider the second, third and consecutive impressions people give. in a way, everytime u see someone its a first impresison. one day yous ee them and think one thing, the next day u see them and u think something else. Talk to them, listen, then judge. Like i have mentioned in previous publications, we often get too caught up in the moment and think " oh, we gonna be friends forever", or "he/she aint that bad" only to be sad when these people fall short of our expectations. Along with this, i have also considered the issue of relationships. I mean, who wouldnt wanna be in a relationship wouldnt they? but i have come to accept the fact that when i do go into a relationship it will have to be with someone i can truly relate to, respect and admire. for if i dont respect them, then no point.

end of part 1

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dumb and Dumber

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

Whoever came up with the above quote is a smart man. Yeah, a smart man, although it may seem ironic that i talk about the topic of stupidity with the words of an "unknown". For all we know, he could be stupid instead of smart right?

The point is that no one is ever truly brilliant or smart or intellectual. We all are stupid. But it is about the people who abuse this privelege of stupidty is what i am concerned with. it is rather obvious that we all were not born with instant knowledge of things, we had to work and learn to get that certain degree of "smart-ness". The thing that annoys me most is the existence of people who are ignorant and oblivious to this fact. They act as though they know everything when in truth they dont really know that much and it is because of this they talk, act all with authority assuming that they are right and that they can never be wrong. And u have the equally dumb people surrounding them and echoing their snetiments which only fuels their " i know what i am talking about"/ "god-complex" attitude.

And this leads on to another irritating thing, insolence....

because of their god-like behaviour they end up being insolent, impertinent or in simple terms, rude.

And the best part is, tese people often mislead themselves into thinking that they are never wrong, and it is the other people that are rude to them.

Hence, what i am trying to say is, never let your lack of knowledge lead you to moments where you may directly/indiretcly offend someone, or get a bad first impression and stuff like that. if you dont know about stuff, ask or read, or watch tv, or do something. BUT dont ever be ignprnat of the fact that there are alot of things out there that we dont know and are unsure of, dont jump to assumptions and make conclusions based on the lack of information or knowledge.

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
William G. McAdoo (1863 - 1941)

p/s: this is in no way attributed to anyone i know, these opinions are mainly based on observations and so on. and i am also in no way saying that i am smart as well *refer above quote* =]