picture by Sebastian Homer : "Maturity"
"A mature person is one who is does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Objectivity and Maturity often come into play when we are faced with emotinally driven situations in our lives. The thing is, i must admit that its sometimes hard to be objective when u feel hurt/crossed/ whatever but like the above quote mentions, we must recognise that its part of human nature for everyone to have a dark side or something about them that annoys you. In my opinion, it is the acceptance of this dark side that makes us mature, in a way to understand that everyone views things differently and takes things differently.
I have been guilty of not being objetcive and being immature when handling certain things thrown my way, i am sure we all have but the thing is that i have come to realise is that being immature about things do not get you anywhere.
The question to ask now then is how the hell do we become mature?
Hell if i know....
They say age doesnt reflect maturity, but i must say that to an extent it does, i am 20 now, and i can safely say that i am different than the 18 yr old version of me. I guess its easier to say that because when your younger your not as mature as someone who is older, but i think maturity is determined or obtained based on the level of experiences we face. I mean , maturity is part of an individual's learning curve, and in life we generally learn things through the mistakes we make, people we meet, and also experiences faced, from all of these things is where maturity stems from. Disagree with me if you think i am wrong.
But there is a flipside to this argument, sometimes it is those very same experiences that i mentioned above that will dampen the growth of our maturity rather than make us mature. This boils down to the individual itself i think, some poeple just dont learn and remain ignorant to the fact that they should appreciate the consequences of their actions and the experiences faced by them.
At the end of the day, i guess you cant really say or determine what it is exactly that would render us mature individuals, it is something that we will just have to ask ourselves constantly....
are we really all that mature?
What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death.
Dave Barry (1947 - )