Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
Whoever came up with the above quote is a smart man. Yeah, a smart man, although it may seem ironic that i talk about the topic of stupidity with the words of an "unknown". For all we know, he could be stupid instead of smart right?
The point is that no one is ever truly brilliant or smart or intellectual. We all are stupid. But it is about the people who abuse this privelege of stupidty is what i am concerned with. it is rather obvious that we all were not born with instant knowledge of things, we had to work and learn to get that certain degree of "smart-ness". The thing that annoys me most is the existence of people who are ignorant and oblivious to this fact. They act as though they know everything when in truth they dont really know that much and it is because of this they talk, act all with authority assuming that they are right and that they can never be wrong. And u have the equally dumb people surrounding them and echoing their snetiments which only fuels their " i know what i am talking about"/ "god-complex" attitude.
And this leads on to another irritating thing, insolence....
because of their god-like behaviour they end up being insolent, impertinent or in simple terms, rude.
And the best part is, tese people often mislead themselves into thinking that they are never wrong, and it is the other people that are rude to them.
Hence, what i am trying to say is, never let your lack of knowledge lead you to moments where you may directly/indiretcly offend someone, or get a bad first impression and stuff like that. if you dont know about stuff, ask or read, or watch tv, or do something. BUT dont ever be ignprnat of the fact that there are alot of things out there that we dont know and are unsure of, dont jump to assumptions and make conclusions based on the lack of information or knowledge.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
William G. McAdoo (1863 - 1941)
p/s: this is in no way attributed to anyone i know, these opinions are mainly based on observations and so on. and i am also in no way saying that i am smart as well *refer above quote* =]
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