Friday, August 25, 2006


"Merdeka!" - Tunku Abdul Rahman

49 years, thats how old Malaysia will be in a few days. i am only coming to 21 years of age, so ask me, what is Malaysian?

It is Merdeka month, and i hear alot on the radio and tv about what it is being a true Malaysian? What is the Malaysian Spirit? Everyone gives their answers, and while i appreciate them, i couldn't help but ask myself the same question and oddly enough, i couldnt answer. I have been thinking about it the whole day but still... no answer.

Now, does this mean i am less of a Malaysian because i couldnt answer that question? well, allow me to try and rationalize my thoughts.

In my honest opinion, why is there a need to validate our feelings towards our beloved country only once a year? why do we talk about unity among the multiple races we have here in malaysa if the other 364 days in the year we are all so caught up in the little things that in essence reflect badly or give a bad impression as to this so called "unity" that we are proud of? If we really are proud to be Malaysian and are in awe of the Malaysian spirit, we should be appreciative of the vision that led to the formation of our country in teh first place and never let that falter, for i believe that when Tunku stood up that podium and shouted those legendary words, he wasnt only speaking for the Malays, he was speaking on behalf a nation, our nation. Alot of us tend to forget this, tend to forget why and what brought us here in the first place.

Please dont misunderstand me and think that i am trying to be the "grinch" of Merdeka, but i am just being realistic here, i mean, studying overseas has indeed made me appreciate the finer things that Malaysia has to offer that i cant get in the UK, i am grateful for that, i am thankful that my friends are a mixed and varied bunch, i appreciate this everyday *although do not show it, but i am feeling it* and this is what we should do to celebrate our freedom and independence, every new day we get we should be thinking of that day when the hands of our forefathers were raised in unity, key word being unity. We often find the word unity only applies itself to the majority of people when there is a major tragedy or catastrophe at hand, should it be that way?

i dont think so...

So i say, to celebrate 49 years of freedom, lets all take a minute and loook back, on our history, and maybe we get to learn something, it may be something we have learned before, but once in a while its good to be reminded. Reminded of what? Well, thats something only you can answer.

Happy Birthday Malaysia, God Bless!

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