Sunday, November 26, 2006

Fear Against Institutionalisation Towards Heresy

picture by Clayton Hansen:

Issues of faith and religion have been ripe issues among the circle of people who i have been dealing with the past couple of weeks. so i am just updating this blog after months of silence just to rationalize some stuff.

What is faith? How do we quantify it? How do we acknowledge the level of faith that we have to determine how religious or faithful we are to whatever it is we believe in?

I ask these questions not beause i seek their answers but because i seem to find that sometimes people often misconstrue the principle and point of what faith truly is.

Faith, at least in my very very humble opinion, is up to our principles that we have as individuals or in lay man;s terms, self-belief. I do not need to abstain myself from the sins of the world to prove that i am faithful, nor need i contain myself from people who "seem" to be unfaithful to validate my belief in my religion and what not. i have enough belieif in myself and my faith that i am in control of my actions and that if i do anything, it is down to my conscious decision.

Faith should not control our lives, it should supplement it, complement it. And sadly, some people dont really see that. And when i say it boils down to one's belief in one's own self, i mean that while we should take into conisderation peoples opinions (sometimes) we should always remember that it is us, I, or me, who eventually decides, and how we lead our lives or how we make our choices dont really or shouldnt realy be controlled by the thoughts of other people.

We talk alot about how we are our own individual, the need to NOT conform, but why are there people who hypocritically do not practice what they preach? i cant possibly say its due to the lack of education, as most of us in our way, are educated to a degree. well, i guess there is no real point in me goin on and on with regards to why why why, i guess the reason why i am writing this is just to encourage my friends out there, to think...

it is said that absoulte power corrupts absolutely...

Eric Hoffer once said

"Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power"

think about that...

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