Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Holistic Appreciation Towards Energy

Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
Richard M. Nixon (1913 - 1994), in his White House farewell

Hate, its such a strong word, it has a strong effect on people, i mean what does it take for someone to hate another person?

They say that you hate people because u see something in them that you hate about yourself in a way, i guess to a certain extent that is true, but that cnat always be right... there has got to be something else that drives a person to hate; jealousy? spite? what? i dont know because i guess this particular topic or issue is pretty much subjective.

A few of the people around me claim that i care about what people think of me, i admit generally i do, i mean if there is someone here who says that they are completely unaffected in any way from what people think of them and that it doesnt bother them, they are just plain hypocrites who are trying to act all macho and cool, honestly.

I mean, like i said i do care, but i care enough to just want to find out what is it they think of me... i dont care if its bad or good, but i do want to know what they think of me, simple.

in relation to Mr. Nixon's quote; we dont have to succumb to hate just because someone hates us, cause thats just their game, and we should try very hard not to fall victim to their trap. U can ask yourslef why they hate you, but stop there, u never know, u may learn a thing or two about yourself but at the end of the day, it aint worth thinking too much about why people hate or dislike you, thats just the way we are. deal with it.

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