They say its the journey that matters and that the destination aint really part of the experience...
How far do you guys believe this to be true?
do i believe this? well if the destination aint important, then why the hell do we have to journey in the first place?
i think that the both the journey and the destination are both equal parts in the experience. The destination is the penultimate, the goal, the end of that road, it is literally the end of the journey, hence the destination is what makes the destination worth it.
the questions we need to ask ourselves are why? why are we making this journey? what is our destination?
in fact the questions should be the other way round by asking what the destination is, the journey is important as well. I mean, it is through the journey that we learn,fail,succeed, live, die, prosper, perish, it is the journey that makes the achievement of reaching that destination that much sweeter when we get there.
The picture above if you notice shows a slight curve, winding road u may say, with a hint of bright white light, i am not gonna give you the cliched discussion as to what that whole picture means... it is open to your interpretation. Look at the picture and think about your destination, and how are you going to take that journey.
"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." –- Henry Miller
And after you reach that destination, u see things in a new way because of that journey. So yes, live for the moment, enjoy the journey, but always remember, there is a concequence for every decision you mak ethroughout that journey, so choose wisely.
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